I think pets are happier than animals which live in the natural world. Basically, pets can never get harmed by their natural enemies. Most animals in the natural world show unusual reactions when facing their enemies. This proves animal sense danger by instinct. Animals in the natural world may go through countless cases like this and are constantly being worn out both physically and mentally.
I think pets aren’t always happy. Pets depend on humans for basic needs, so there is no guarantee that pets can get a great care from humans. Today, not many people live in only one place for the whole life. The changes in lifestyle, such as the changes in family structure or business trips, may prevent people from providing their pets the great care they had given before. Since animals can’t change their minds and thoughts on purpose, the experience of losing what they had once thought was normal may become a tough experience.
Pets are mostly loved by their owners and can live relaxing lives. On the other hand, many animals in the natural world lose sight of their herds or get abandoned by their parents when they are young. The truth is, mutual love exists between animal parents and their young. However, parents have no choice but to abandon their young for their own survival. As we can see from this, both adult animals and their young are unhappy. Today, most pets are treated just like a family member. Moreover, many pet owners wish to get a baby animal and nurture them, which is a win-win situation for both pets and their owners.
Even if pets live in the human world, the strong will survive and the weak will disappear. Humans choose the animals which suit the convenience of humans and give leftover animals cruel treatment such as abandoning or killing them. If people think pets as means of relieving stresses of private and social lives, that’s an extremely dangerous idea. I think only a tiny amount of people can continue giving love to their pets with respect for life.
While animals in the natural world struggle to satisfy their physiological needs, animals living with humans can form strong bonds with humans. Of course, pets will suffer if the bonds with their owners are destroyed. However, if these animals meet someone who understand them later in life, they can be happy again. In recent years, the private institutions have been playing an active role in animal protection. Animals, just like humans, have the ability to overcome difficulties. I think it’s important that we try our best to help unhappy pets become happy again.
If we discuss physiological needs, life with humans is more stressful. I think a pets’ life is hell on earth considering that they can’t pee wherever they like and they can’t do anything when finding an animal of the opposite sex. I think it’s even tough for humans to overcome these physiological needs. I think most pets are unhappy as long as they dedicate themselves to humans being single for life, experiencing separation from family and enduring strict rules on the way.