


If parents teach their children to eat up their meals, the children learn to eat many kinds of food and this helps them live healthily for the whole life.

I think your health is valuable.

If you aren’t healthy, you can’t freely enjoy all kinds of activities such as your work and hobbies.

Therefore, parents should teach their children to eat all kinds of foods until they can do it no matter how long it takes.

Also, the issue of allergy has been widely reported in media recently and there’s now little chance children can learn about their diet from teachers or people outside the family.

Considering this, I think family’s role in education of healthy eating is going to get bigger and bigger.




I think parents don’t have to consciously tell their children to eat up their meals.

This is because not every food given by their parents is healthy. After I grew up, I noticed Japanese people use a lot of salt and additives in their meals, so if you eat every bit of food including sauce and soup, it’ll have bad effects on your body.

Even though I know I should remove fat contained in meat dishes, I, who had been taught to eat up my meals, eat it up with mixed feelings.



In the process of trying hard to make children eat, communication between parents and their children increases.

Moreover, I think having conversation about food is a good thing for children.

I think one of the most important goals of education of healthy eating is to learn to live healthily without other people’s help when children grow up.

To achieve this goal, it’s essential to learn the importance of daily diet from a young age.

In modern society where people can get food easily, throwing away foods might not be a big problem.

However, education of healthy eating provides children with an opportunity to think thoroughly about their diet.

There are a variety of topics about food such as cooking, nutrition, agriculture, trade, transportation and production area.

I think childhood memory of meal time and the understanding of their diet they had in childhood will lead to them having strong interest in their own diet in adulthood.



Generally speaking, consumers buy foods they want to eat, so I think they’re free to choose whether to throw them away or not if it turns out they don’t want them.

It takes a lot of effort to keep eating something they don’t like while regretting that their shopping was unsuccessful.

In addition, if consumers buy other products after buying something, this will bring jobs to the producers.

Therefore, I think if people throw away the food they don’t want to eat and buy something else instead, the economy will grow.

The habit of eating every food can be nice to the household budget, but I think there’s no need to encourage others to do so.



While teaching children to eat up their meals, parents can educate their children about the problem of food waste and they can also educate them about the responsibility they have as members of society.

Although food waste isn’t the only social problem, I think it’s easy for every child to recognize in their everyday lives.

If children discuss ways to reduce household food waste with their family, regular meal time becomes a practical learning opportunity for children.  



In modern society, consumers can buy anything on the internet and their preference has become diverse.

Moreover, smoking bans, the spread of diseases, and the stagnant economy have caused people’s preference to shift to high quality meals and snacks.

Under such circumstances, eating up all their foods even if they don’t like them is stressful for people today.

Therefore, to reduce stress and build good relationships with others, I think people should have the freedom to eat meals in their own ways.


現代では世界中のあらゆるものがインターネットで購入できる状況にあり、消費者の嗜好は次第に多様化していると思います。また、禁煙・疫病の蔓延・不況などの影響により消費者のストレス解消方法が、食事やおやつの質の向上にシフトしているように思います。この状況下では、食べたくないものを残さず食べなければならないルールは、現代人にとって大きなストレスになると思います。よって、 ストレスを減らし、良好な人間関係を築くために、食事の摂り方は個人の自由にすべきだと考えます。






















