I think we should promote space exploration.
Space industry is a large-scale industry which can have great impact on the domestic economy.
Now, please recall the automobile industry was a major industry in Japan.
Nowadays, automobile industries around the world including Japan is going through a difficult time.
To maintain the national economy, we need to create and develop new businesses that rival the automobile industry.
Before pursuing space exploration, I think we should deal with the various problems we are facing today here on earth.
There are tons of things we need to do to solve the problems about human life such as poverty and diseases and the environmental problems such as global warming and air pollution.
It seems when it comes to space exploration, we are focused on flying to the outer space rather than benefiting from it.
Therefore, I think the scope of space exploration should be limited to a hobby of private investors, and the government should never spend money on it.
Since space exploration is a worldwide business, it can boost the world economy.
People are now facing the emerging threats of Coronavirus and they find it difficult to move across the country’s border which leads to shrinking people-to-people exchange.
It’s possible the global economic activity is going to shrink.
I think it’s good if the number of global industries increases.
Also, it would have been normal for people to think that space exploration is a dream if it was fifty years ago, since it’s a totally new area for many people.
However, this is the era when more than forty countries have launched nearly 9000 artificial satellites into space.
It might be old-fashioned to use the word dream to talk about space exploration.
I think science and technology studies on space should be done sometime later.
Solar power, for example, is one option we can depend on as an energy source, but a study to increase efficiency of solar panel is underway in the field of renewable energy.
I think before creating design or doing intensity calculation to be used for spacecrafts, we should prioritize the task of finding the material with whose power generation efficiency is highest.
A study of battery is also in progress.
Therefore, I think studies to improve the quality of life can be used for the future development of space exploration.
it’s true solving the problems we have here on earth is important.
However, using this as an excuse to reject further development is the very meaning of laziness.
Humans have made a great effort to develop their world without stopping.
On its way, they have worked hard to come up with solutions to solve problems when they had one.
However, at the same time, they never gave up on the development of the society and continue to make a progress.
I think we should consider space exploration as a part of human history.
Plus, there is a great chance the findings the social development brought to us can help solve the existing problems.
For example, the development of artificial satellites has brought us vast amounts of benefits.
Considering humans won’t be able to continue living on earth, I think solving this problem serves as a nice purpose of space exploration.
On the other hand, I think space exploration will remain as an expensive business only rich people can dream of whether it’s today or future.
It might be possible to live in space if we collect all the money and technology we have today. However, if you’re imagining the world where everybody can go to space, it’s essential to establish the basis of their livelihood first.
If we want to achieve something big, the fastest way to do it is to get support from as many people as possible.