I think working part-time is a worthwhile experience for students.
Students can have the experience of labor through part-time job before they start working full-time.
Things such as to work under someone’s direction, being scolded for unreasonable things and getting payed in exchange for their labor may be new to students.
Aside from these, there are many things each and every student thinks and this will be beneficial when they think about their career.
I think students should not work part-time unless they have financial problems.
Generally speaking, the whole point of working part-time is receiving money to satisfy their own needs, and this is exactly why working part-time can never be a worthwhile experience for students’ future.
The people who are working part-time more than likely have concerns over the instability of their financial situation and they tend to be too hard on the younger colleagues during work.
This is true especially when students haven’t gotten used to the work. Most students would probably try to overcome this situation solely to receive their allowance.
On the other hand, adults have to work to make a living.
This clearly shows a distinct difference of the mentality between student workers and the adult workers.
When I was a student, I was glued to video games at home most of the time.
If I had spent all that time on part-time job and, at the same time, had had a thrilling and exciting experience just like the one I experienced when I played video games, I would’ve earned approximately 3 million yen.
As we can see from this, part-time job is a great opportunity for people who are willing to work.
Plus, I think seeking lots of experiences with the money those students earned by themselves is also what students should experience when they’re students.
While doing part-time job is an effective way to learn about the society they live in, it doesn’t provide opportunities to see the outside world.
In modern society where information network and global-distribution network have been established, it’s unlikely that the young people will spend their whole life in their hometown.
Therefore, it’s important that they experience the outside world from an early age.
This is just my experience, but after starting to work as part-time worker, I got a chance to learn the values and the world I had never exposed myself to through my family and friends at school.
There, I was mainly able to learn the negative aspects of society.
Because of this experience, I realized at the start of my career, that I had had a robust emotional strength.
Work can be tough even for part-time workers.
I’d recommend students to do part-time job so they will know what kind of working condition convinces them as the right place for them to work.
I think Mr.Turtle’s opinion is all based on his own experience, and it has very little credibility.
First and foremost, I can’t believe that students can learn new values through part-time job.
It’s true we encounter new values when meeting new people.
However, this is different from learning new values.
To learn means that you live under it for a long period of time and acquire the ability to use it.
Students who work part-time usually work at most several hours a day, and this is not enough to learn new values.
Secondly, although it might be true that Mr.Turtle’s robust emotional strength had been useful, I think not everybody has to have robust emotional strength since working conditions vary from place to place.
I think they can rather lose a chance to seek the workplace that suit them well.
In this age when workers change their workplace time to time, it’s too difficult for workers to get through the hardship of human relationships.
Instead of that, I think it’s important for people to understand themselves well and gain the ability to respond with much flexibility when encountering new people and new values.